Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Latest 2013 facts about Facebook!!!

1. Woman, on average update their Facebook status 21 times per-month while men average 6  times per-month. 
2. Every 20 minutes, there are almost 2 million status updates.
3. Facebook Mobile is the most downloaded app on all smartphones.
4. In the United States, 1 of every 5 page views is on Facebook.
5. 56% of Facebook users are women.
6. 95% of people in the United States have a Facebook.
7. There are over 250 million photos uploaded to Facebook every day.
8. Because of Facebook, there are 4 new billionaires!
9. Facebook is approximately valued at 80 billion dollars today. In 2009, it was valued at 4      billion dollars.
10. There are over 600 million average daily users on Facebook today.
11. Coca-Cola has more Facebook fans than other brands.
12. Every hour, there are about 30.6 million new comments on Facebook.
13. There are over 16 million Facebook fan pages.
14. Facebook earned $2.6 billion from ads in the United States in 2012.
15. Asia has the most Facebook users and makes up 33% of all of Facebook. That is about 1/3 of the entire social network.

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